About Us

// Just a Bunch of Geeks!

Driven by our passion for tech, creating safe and inclusive spaces, and fostering community in San Antonio, our team is committed to making tech accessible for everyone.

Geeks & Drinks was founded in 2021 when Sharon and Monty moved to San Antonio and wanted a way to meet other geeky/techy friends. The first meetups were often just 4 or 5 people talking about projects they were working on and as it grew they recognized there is a huge network of remote workers in software engineering, cybersecurity and IT that didn’t have a community. Over the years that community has grown to over 1,700 and become not only a social outlet, but a support system and opportunity to find jobs. 


// Meet the Team!

  • Sharon Guiterrez

    Co-Founder / CEO

    Sharon Gutierrez is a highly passionate entrepreneur who is known for getting things done. She is the Co-Founder of Geeks & Drinks as well as the SaaS company, Pretty Simple: #1 Affordable Leads Tracking App. Her vision for Geeks & Drinks to create a safe and inclusive space for developers and other Geeks from all backgrounds to share meaningful conversations and support each other in career development.

  • Monty Morgan


    I'm a self-taught front end developer and currently work at Cognitive Space. I started Geeks & Drinks to meet new people when I moved to San Antonio. I love how many cool people I've met through Geeks & Drinks. I'm a foodie and love to surf.

  • Kedron Abbott

    Tech Community Director

    I'm passionate about helping underrepresented folks get their next opportunity, especially when it's in tech. For work I've been a fullstack software engineer for the past 5 years, and serve as a mentor to undergrad students. When I'm not working I enjoy cooking, playing video games (PS5 and Switch), and collecting more houseplants - one could never have too many houseplants 🪴.

  • Natalie Gonzalez

    Growth & Logistics Coordinator

    Hey y’all, Natalie here. I’m a full stack developer (React, PL/SQL, .Net, and reluctantly Java) in healthcare tech. I’ve been a part of Geeks and Drinks for about two years and I’m excited to see it growing into what it is today and to keep the momentum going to make it even better for our community. I’m interested in helping grow the professional development and mentorship aspects of our meetup community, so reach out with ideas or feedback or thoughts around that!

  • Andrea Tapia

    Volunteer Coordinator

    Hi! My name is Andrea. I started attending Geeks && Drinks last year when I first moved to San Antonio. I work as a database professional and in my spare time I like exploring the city, going on jogs, and checking out local festivities. As I am new to the city, I wanted to get involved in the community through volunteering. So I am excited I now get to be involved with finding volunteer activities that we can participate in as a group and give back to the city.